{"type":"txt","text":"WATCH","font_size":20,"font_weight":"bold","font_family_ko":"Noto Sans KR","font_family_en":"Montserrat","color":"#000000","letter_spacing":0}
We run Korean language classes every Sunday afternoon.
Beginner class
This is a beginner's class where you have just started studying Korean.
Intermediate class
This is an intermediate level class where you can have a light conversation in Korean.
Advanced class
This is an advanced class for those who can speak Korean well.
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비밀번호 찾기
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구글 아이디로 로그인
비밀번호 재설정
비밀번호를 찾고자 하는 아이디 또는 이메일을 입력해 주세요.
해당 계정의 이메일로 비밀번호 변경 안내 메일이 발송됩니다.